Courses can be attended without the need to register in advance. Payment can be made at the centre in cash or by card.

  • Ashtanga Basic 1h 45min

    Ashtanga Basic classes are guided “all-level classes”. Beginners and moderately advanced practitioners are in good hands here – being challenged, but not overwhelmed. Advanced practitioners use the session as a relaxed way to keep in practice. Sun salutations, standing sequence, some selected asanas from the primary series and the closing sequence are practised, followed by a final relaxation.

  • Astanga Full Primary 2h 30min

    Ashtanga Primary is a guided session for moderately advanced and advanced practitioners. The entire primary series is taught here, apart from the sun salutations, standing sequence and closing poses, followed by a short guided meditation and a long final relaxation.

  • Ashtanga Mysore 2h 30min

    Mysore-style classes are the original way in which Ashtanga yoga is taught to this day in Mysore/India. Ashtanga Mysore classes are not guided, which allows the students to practice at their own pace. The classes are suitable for anyone who is already familiar with Ashtanga yoga. Participants can practise independently (when starting out, depictions of the sequence can be used to help). The role of the teacher is to support, correct and advise, both verbally and with physical intervention. This format enables the teacher to address the individual needs of the students and offers greater scope for progress than is possible in the guided lessons. The spectrum here ranges from the primary to the third series.